Why cartoon project ANGRY EARTH ? Because one picture is more than 1000 words. Each of us is capable of changing something, as our daily decisions leave traces on the environment.

Prečo kreslený projekt ANGRY EARTH? Lebo jeden obrázok vydá za 1000 slov. Každý z nás dokáže niečo zmeniť, keďže naše každodenné rozhodnutia zanechávajú stopy na životnom prostredí.

More educational videos on my YouTube channel @angryearth

Over the last 30 years we have wreaked havoc on nature. We are paving a road to perdition for us, our children, and those who have not yet been born. 100 pictures of ANGRY EARTH show what we have done to Mother Earth. This collection of 100 pictures is a memento of our human arrogance. Change are not only brought by politicians – it must come from ourselves, from our minds.

Za posledných 30 rokov sme priviedli našu Zem ku katastrofe. Rútime sa do záhuby a berieme tam aj naše deti, a aj tie čo sa ešte nenarodili. 100 obrázkov ANGRY EARTH ukazuje čoho sme sa dopustili na Matke Zemi. 100 týchto obrázkov je kresleným mementom ľudskej arogancie k prírode. Zmena nenastane len z politických rozhodnutí, ale musí nastať aj v našich mysliach.

František Czanner


We only use natural materials in our products and renewable energy is used throughout our supply chain.


The book features 100 pictures showing what we have done to the Mother Earth. These pictures are a memento of human arrogance. At the same time, I hope it can guide you and provide you with tips on how to …

ANGRY EARTH and CLIMATE CHANGE – Womens T-shirt (white)

GOTS certified Stanley/Stella textile

ANGRY EARTH and ANIMALS – Womens T-shirt (white)

GOTS certified Stanley/Stella textile

ANGRY EARTH and CLIMATE CHANGE – Mens T-shirt (white)

GOTS certified Stanley/Stella textile